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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: In Datasheet View, what appears at the top of each column?
  1. Data type
  2. Description
  3. Field name
  4. Primary key

Q2. Ms Excel:To create an interactive Pivot Table for the web, you use a Microsoft Office Web component called

  1. HTML
  2. Pivot Table Field List
  3. Pivot Table List
  4. Pivot Table Report
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Word: If you need to double underline a word, how will you do that?

  1. Go to Format menu and then Font option. Open Underline Style and choose Double Underline
  2. From Format menu choose Font option and then from Font tab open Underline Style and select Double Underline
  3. Select the text then choose Format >> Font and on Font tab, open Underline Style and choose Double Underline
  4. Click double underline tool on formatting toolbar
Correct Answer

Q4. A name or number used to identify a storage location is called

  1. A byte
  2. A record
  3. An address
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: The __________ performs document trackin

  1. distributed application
  2. enterprise software
  3. Oracle software
  4. EDM software
Correct Answer

Q6. A register organized to allow to move left or right operations is called a ____

  1. Counter
  2. Loader
  3. Adder
  4. Shift register
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: When the Language bar is _____, it means that you do not see it on the screen but it will be displayed the next time you start your computer.

  1. restored
  2. hidden
  3. minimized
  4. closed
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Excel:What feature enables you to adjust or back solve the value in a cell to reach a desired outcome in a formula?

  1. Goal Seek
  2. Scenario Summary report
  3. Forecasting
  4. Trend line
Correct Answer

Q9. Who developed a mechanical device in the 17th century that could add, subtract, multiple, divide and find square roots?

  1. Napier
  2. Babbage
  3. Pascal
  4. Leibniz
Correct Answer

Q10. Raw facts and figures about any particular topic are

  1. Information
  2. facts
  3. data
  4. none of above
Correct Answer

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